An Introduction

Hello and welcome to my new website.
I live 400m from the best beach in the UK (empirically evidenced) and spend my time between the kitchen (baking), the sofa (reading and writing), the garden (gardening and hanging out washing mostly), the dining table (painting – my art studio has a leak and no windows), the beach (swimming and taking photos) and the loo (possibly tmi, but I have a symposium of chronic health conditions, including Painful Bladder Syndrome).
You’ve already seen a photograph of me (see bio) so I’m offering this with one of my laundry, which covers a few bases (see above). Offending ‘studio’ (yes, it’s a shed) in blue.
I have dubious punctuation skills, despite an English degree and seem to be currently in love with parentheses.
I thought I’d do a brief hello and intro for any new followers.
Thanks for following me here. I hope you’ll find something to interest, engage and/or amuse.
I’m a lifelong writer of poetry, stories, articles and recipes. I’ve dabbled with flash fiction and currently have both a novel and 2 non fiction books on the go.
Here, I’ll write mostly about my writing and reading life and anything related, even if only tangentially. You’ll be the first to know about work in progress and publications and there will be lots of ways you can engage. I’m always happy to receive comments.
If you were a supporter of my last website (thank you) and are looking for any of the blog articles, I apologise; I’m starting from scratch here, though I do have an active Substack account (All Kinds of Everything), which already has a number of varied articles to browse.
As well as writing my own titles, I run a micro indie press (Ross Cottage Publishing) with my husband. We have 5 titles in the world so far with another 3 due in 2024. I’ll also be sharing here, what I’m up to over there!